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The Silent Struggle

It’s important to properly analyze the terms depression and anxiety before we continue. There is a certain stigma to these terms, especially for young people: often they are dismissed because some feel it’s “hormonal” or just a “typical” teenage emotion. This is in fact not true, and incredibly damaging to those who suffer from it.

A dark umbrella looms over the youth in America and around the world, and the weight upon the shoulders of those who bare it is becoming insufferable.

anxiety problems, behavior problems, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children” (CDC, 2023)

Amongst children aged 3-17 years in 2016-2019, millions suffer from:

  • Anxiety 9.4% (approximately 5.8 million)
  • Behavior problems 8.9% (approximately 5.5 million)
  • Depression 4.4% (approximately 2.7 million)
  • Of those 2.7 million, 15.1% had a major depressive episode and 36.7% had persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness (CDC, 2023).

 An inability to “turn off” these feelings coupled with enduring consistent anxiety and depression without hope and a network of support, children/teens often turn to damaging coping mechanisms.

  • For adolescents, depression, substance use, and suicide are important concerns. Among adolescents aged 12-17 years in 2018-2019:
  • 1% had a substance use disorder.
  • 6% had an alcohol use disorder.
  • 2% had an illicit drug use disorder.
  • 8% seriously considered attempting suicide.
  • 7% made a suicide plan.
  • 9% attempted suicide.
  • 5% made a suicide attempt requiring medical treatment (CDC, 2023).


At BHPS, our goal is to find combinations of therapy that works for your individual needs so that you can get back to enjoying your life.

Our treatment most often involves medication management and therapy. Therapy gives more insight as to how to deal with the problems.